The special tipline to report "Barbaric Cultural Practices" is insane. But I guess we've decided to make things already against the law super against the law in this regard, so it shouldn't surprise us.
Amazingly, when you make a big deal about the niqab, people start doing stupid things. A pregnant lady wearing a niqab in Quebec is assaulted. But it's not Jason Kenney's or the Conservatives fault, it's all those pesky troublemakers who think we shouldn't be making an election issue of something already decided by the courts.
Brad Butt has proven himself to be a major dip-shit, once again. He made a joke/comment about revoking Mulcair's citizenship in response to concerns over the Cons draconian citizenship removal law. These guys need to fuck off. And to prove that it's a slippery slope...Not content with just stripping terrorists of their citizenship...sorry..."terrorists". Steve wants to expand his stripping.
I get it. Jobs are at stake. But when your answer to why you won't do anything about a country beheading teenagers, it's not a super great argument for doing nothing. As well, the union involved has asked the NDP to back off the issue.
Nothing has changed for Canada on intellectual property due to the TPP. Except for all the stuff that has. Extension of copyright, criminal culpability...etc. Steve is full of shit.
This Shoal Lake story is baffling. Is there something else going on? How can a community have it's access cut off and no drinking water for close to 2 decades?
Jason Kenney should probably should just stop talking. Here he suggests that English is just a bit better when it is unaccented.
No problem here. The CRA partners with the CPA as the two fight out a court battle over tax fraud. As well, the probe into those involved has expanded.
Steve has started Harper-splainin' the CBC's problems. CBC head to Harper..."No, fuck you!" Not an actual quote.
In Canada, police deal with pot possession once every 9 minutes. And there is a huge discrepancy on how it is enforced, not only across the country, but city to city.
Our Veterans Affairs Minister says everything is rosy, it's just some of those gosh darn unions stirring up Veterans!
This feels a bit sketchy. The Conservatives plan to create an official list of criminal gangs. Which sounds good, until they start putting environmental groups on the list.
A pretty good reason for the Cons to not attend all candidates debates. John Duncan tells natives to figure it out themselves when they ask for solutions to their poverty.
John Cummins blames missing aboriginal women for putting themselves in dangerous situations. Because, you know, of all the choices they have to not get murdered.
Here's a screenshot of the Conservative candidate telling a constituent to get some life experience.
The Edmonton Police Chief blamed the drop in oil prices on a spike in crime in his City. Probably Rachel Notley's fault too.
A Toronto area Tory candidate seems to get his news from Internet rumors, as he refers to a refugees paradise in Saudi Arabia for "so called refugees".
A Con candidate was drinking with some 16/17 year old girls. There're accusations that he tried to buy their silence.
I don't have anything to say on this. Julian Fantino faces a bizarre accusation.
I'd delete all these nonsense comments...but I'm actually excited to have such a high comment count.